We Believe
There is One God who creates all things, redeems us from sin and death, and renews us as the Children of God. As Episcopalians we promise to follow Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
We believe the mission of our church is restoration of all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Following the Anglican-Episcopal tradition, we believe the Bible is at the core of our beliefs; and our understanding of the Bible is informed by new revelations of science and historical data as presented to each generation, and the use of our God-given reason.
We are a community of faith, where each person’s spiritual journey is unique and personal. Our goal is to promote thoughtful dialogue about what God is calling us to do and be.
The Order of the Ascension seeks to develop Parish Churches grounded in Anglican theology and Benedictine Spirituality.
In The Episcopal Church we are called to move deeper in our faith and make a difference in our world.